EM-I62H 견고한 핸드 헬드, 해양 생태 환경 보호

EM-I62H 견고한 핸드 헬드, 해양 생태 환경 보호


강력하고 수수께끼 같은 바다는 인류의 의존도가 높아져 환경에 대한 관심이 높아졌습니다. 해양 환경에 대한 지속적인 모니터링은 생태계에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 제공하여 오염 및 생태 재난을 적시에 감지하고 완화 할 수 있습니다. 그러나, 해양 환경의 복잡성은 모니터링 노력을 위한 기술 및 데이터 처리 측면에서 어려움을 야기한다. 외부 조건에 관계없이 중단없는 모니터링 작업을 보장하기 위해 모니터링 센터는 신뢰할 수있는 안정성과 복원력을 제공하는 지능형 터미널 장치를 통합해야합니다.


The EM-I62H rugged handheld combines high portability and ruggedness, making it suitable for outdoor marine operations during sea monitoring tasks. Equipped with the Windows 10 operating system, it seamlessly integrates with monitoring systems. It is compatible with other monitoring devices, facilitating communication between monitoring points, so that monitors can issue or receive instructions, and transmits and archives data in real-time through multi-network fusion, providing reliable data support for monitoring and crisis decision-making in marine ecosystems.


The EM-I62H rugged handheld significantly enhances the flexibility and adaptability of marine monitoring. With its 6-inch body, it is easy to carry out to sea, and its high-definition screen ensures clear and intuitive display of data even in outdoor sunlight. The built-in high-capacity removable battery allows for easy replacement, maintaining stable battery life during prolonged monitoring at sea. With the introduction of the EM-I62H, monitoring personnel can more effectively monitor changes in the marine environment, promptly identify issues, and take necessary measures to protect the marine ecosystem.


In today's world, where there is an increasing tension between global food, resource, and energy supply and the rapid growth of the population, the development and utilization of the abundant resources in the ocean have become an inevitable trend in historical development. However, marine resource development comes with certain risks, such as oil pollution and overfishing. Therefore, monitoring the marine environment is necessary to ensure the sustainable use of resources, avoid ecological damage, and prevent resource depletion caused by excessive development. It also involves detecting pollutants in the ocean. Marine environmental monitoring involves extensive data collection, storage, and processing, requiring the establishment of efficient data management systems and the introduction of mobile smart terminals for technical support to extract useful information and conduct analysis and decision-making.

The client is a company focused on the development of marine survey equipment and technology services, including marine optics, marine hydrology, environmental monitoring, and marine mapping. They primarily monitor and collect various parameters of seawater in areas near land-based sewage outlets, seawater aquaculture areas, and dumping areas, as well as the particle content and concentration of pollutants. Since marine detection operations are conducted outdoors, often on ships at sea, ordinary equipment is susceptible to outdoor high temperatures, water ingress, and corrosion from marine salt spray, leading to equipment failures and operational interruptions. Additionally, consumer-grade laptops are not convenient to carry around. Therefore, the client urgently needs to find portable and rugged mobile smart devices to replace consumer-grade laptops as data collection tools for marine environmental monitoring.

rugged handheld

Solution of EM-I62H

The client's marine monitoring system is developed based on X86 architecture, requiring portable Windows devices to run in conjunction. The EM-I62H is the smallest handheld device on the market that supports the Windows system. It integrates seamlessly with the client's software system and its 6-inch lightweight body perfectly meets the client's need for portability during sea monitoring operations. Additionally, Its high-performance processor efficiently handles multitasking.

After finalizing the monitoring plan and target area, monitoring personnel embark with a complete set of equipment, including the EM-I62H, sensors, detectors, hydrological measuring instruments, etc., which are deployed at designated monitoring locations and powered on. The EM-I62H is connected to the detection equipment via an OTG cable for wireless communication between monitoring points. Monitoring personnel utilize the EM-I62H to issue and receive task instructions. The EM-I62H features a 2MP+5MP dual camera system allowing personnel to capture images and videos for documentation purposes during monitoring. Once data collection on the monitoring equipment is completed, data is transmitted back to the EM-I62H in real-time via an external USB adapter, enabling personnel to read relevant testing data on its high-definition screen without being affected by direct sunlight.

Additionally, leveraging the multiple wireless communication modules of the EM-I62H, data from the device can be rapidly uploaded to the backend monitoring system for archiving and data analysis. This helps monitoring personnel to grasp the current marine environment and water quality, identify issues in time, make decisions regarding targeted environmental protection measures, and subsequently move the equipment to the next monitoring point to continue operations.

rugged handheld

EM-I62H 견고한 핸드 헬드의 장점

해양 모니터링을 위한 신뢰성 지원

EM-I62H 견고한 핸드 헬드는 IP65 에 의해 보호되며, 완전히 밀폐 된 견고한 바디를 갖추고있어 물이 튀고 소금 스프레이가있는 거친 해양 환경에서 꾸준히 작동 할 수 있습니다. -10 ° C에서 50 ° C의 극한 온도에서도 안정적으로 유지되므로 중단없는 작업을 보장합니다. 모니터링 작업을 위해 소비자 등급 컴퓨터를 대체 할 EM-I62H 도입함으로써 장비 고장 및 관련 비용의 위험이 크게 감소되어 지속적인 해양 환경 모니터링을위한 신뢰할 수있는 데이터 지원을 제공합니다.

해양 생태학을위한 시각적 스케줄링

듀얼 밴드 Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 및 4G 의 안정적인 무선 다중 네트워크 통합과 Windows 10 및 클라이언트의 모니터링 시스템의 통합 적응으로, EM-I62H 연결된 장치에서 감지 데이터를 수집하여 분석을 위해 고화질 화면에 균일하게 표시 할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 모니터링 담당자에게 명확한 지침을 제공하여 해양 환경 생태 데이터 및 분석 결과를 쉽게 이해하고 환경 문제를 신속하게 식별하고 정보에 입각 한 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다. 이 EM-I62H 해양 환경 조건을 시각화하고 시각화하고, 수집 된 데이터를 보관 및 관리하여 보안 및 무결성을 보장하며, 향후 검토 및 참조를 촉진하는 데 도움을줍니다.

해양 작전을위한 내구성 솔루션

EM-I62H견고한 핸드 헬드 장치에는 5000mAh/3.7V 분리 가능한 폴리머 리튬 이온 배터리가 내장되어있어 완전 충전시 최대 7.5 시간 동안 연속 작동을 제공 할 수 있습니다. 또한 예비 배터리는 언제든지 쉽게 교체 할 수 있습니다. 충전 도크, 핸드 스트랩 등의 옵션 액세서리도 제공되어, 충전이 불편한 해상 환경에서 종일 작동을 지원하는 바다로 향할 때 편리하게 휴대 할 수 있습니다.

당신은 또한 다른 관심이있을 수 있습니다산업용 태블릿제공 Emdoor, 선도하는 중 하나견고한 태블릿 제조 업체중국에서:

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Emdoor Group, Mei Gu Building, Mei Sheng Hui Gu Technology Park, No.83, Dabao Road,Baoan 33 District, Shenzhen, China
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