EM-I10J, 화재 비상 사태 구조 임무 지원

EM-I10J, 화재 비상 사태 구조 임무 지원


자연 재해, 생산 사고, 사회 보장 사고 및 기타 긴급 구조 임무의 경우 사상자, 재산 손실 및 환경 피해를 포함한 사고로 인한 피해를 줄이는 것이 전체 목표입니다. 따라서 전체 구조는 긴급하고 즉각적이어야합니다. 그러나 가혹한 수색 및 구조 조건, 혼란스러운 현장 장면 및 제한된 구조 자원은 의심 할 여지없이 구조 임무를 훨씬 더 어렵게 만듭니다. 또한 임무 지침을 실행하는 장비에 대해 더 높은 내구성과 안정성을 요구합니다.


The EM-I10J rugged tablet PC is designed with a robust body and excellent performance, and equipped with the client’s self-developed 3D modeling software, and integrates various rescue equipment. It precisely locates the rescue position through a GPS satellite system, quickly collects and transmits on-site data to the command center in real-time through the fast and stable networks, and then outputs a clear display of the on-site simulated situation on its high-definition and high-brightness screen. With the stable operating performance, EM-I10J is helpful for rescuers to more accurately assess the on-site situation and make the best rescue plans.


The EM-I10J rugged tablet PC shows outstanding performance in waterproof, dust-proof, and anti-fall. It can operate normally in extreme temperature environments and is resistant to bumps, which reduces loss and subsequent maintenance costs. The highly compatible EM-I10J connects with various rescue equipment and integrates multiple functions to complete a comprehensive set of  emergency on-site data collection. With integrated precise GPS positioning capabilities and multiple networks, it provides an accurate data basis for the command center to make wise judgments and rescue instructions, offering excellent and reliable technical support, greatly improving rescue efficiency while minimizing accident losses.

EM I10J Rugged Tablet PC


Emergency scenes are affected by uncontrollable factors such as large fires, spaces, and network signals. In addition, the visibility at the fire site is extremely poor due to the pervading smoke from the fire, and there are various dangers lurking in the dark. Issues like how communication terminals can be waterproof, explosion-proof, and drop-resistant to adapt to various environments, how rescue operations can be unaffected by interference, and how communication networks can avoid interruption, directly and severely threaten the effectiveness of the rescuers' actions, as well as personal and property safety. Therefore, equipment used for emergency rescue tasks is required to have a higher level of robustness, stability, and screen visibility than ordinary equipment.


The client is a fire department in a certain region. Before using products of Emdoor Information, they used old-fashioned fire emergency rescue equipment which could only provide limited, approximate positioning and could not display images and transmit data in real-time, resulting in a communication gap between the command center and the front-line emergency rescue scene, which greatly limits the implementation of rescue tasks. To complete a full on-site emergency data collection and return process, more equipment with different functions is needed to meet the requirements of emergency rescue. However, it cannot be operated by one rescuer. With such many separate devices, a complete set of standard emergency rescue equipment often requires 5-6 rescuers to perform data collection, which undoubtedly increases the burden of rescue resources. Moreover, if rescuers want to complete tasks at the fastest speed and in the shortest time, in addition to overcoming harsh environments, they also need to rely on highly accurate positioning guidance to avoid getting lost, leading to delays or even failure of the rescue. Therefore, a device that combines a robust body and precise positioning with a high-definition display becomes a key to ensuring the smooth progress of rescue missions.


To ensure that fire emergency rescue operations proceed smoothly without being affected by equipment, the client has set his sights on the rugged computer market from ordinary consumer smart tablets. After conducting rigorous usage tests on rugged mobile devices from multiple companies, they ultimately adopted the EM-I10J rugged tablet as the terminal equipment for displaying and executing rescue instructions.


Solution of EM-I10J

The EM-I10J rugged tablet PC, with its reliable robustness, is not affected by smoke-filled and complex front-line emergencies. Its hard-sealed body, crafted with exquisite craftsmanship, can isolate water and dust particles, adapting to harsh fire emergency environments and bumps while maintaining stable operation. With outstanding operating performance and high compatibility, a single tablet can connect to various rescue equipment, supporting multiple functions at the same time, such as voice playing, high-definition image display, thermal imaging, life sign detection, etc., to integrate a complete rescue plan. Its high-brightness 10.1-inch screen, combined with the customer's thermal imaging system and 3D modeling software, can smoothly output high-definition images and vital sign information on the scene in smoky and low-light environments, and simulate the scene situation, making the entire rescue scene situation clear in a glance. The EM-I10J's excellent GPS positioning function more accurately measures distances and locations, guiding rescuers to the accurate location to implement rescue quickly. Rescuers can communicate and transmit the data collected from the rescue site to the command center in real time through its extensive coverage of WIFI, 4G, and Bluetooth. Then the commanders can make accurate judgments of the rescue scene and give clear instructions based on the returned information to achieve the maximization of rescue effects.


고도로 통합, 효율성 향상

우수한 인텔 프로세서와 Windows 11 운영 체제로 구동되는 EM-I10J 견고한 태블릿 PC는 안정적인 시스템 호환성을 갖추고 있습니다. 이전에는 더 많은 장치와 더 많은 인원이 필요한 구조 현장 데이터 수집을 이제 EM-I10J 견고한 태블릿 PC를 가진 한 사람이 쉽고 효율적으로 완료 할 수 있습니다. 이전 솔루션과 비교하여 50% 년까지 배포 효율성을 높이고 후속 적응 및 유지 보수 비용을 줄이며 효과적인 사용 및 배포에 더 많은 구조 리소스를 사용할 수 있도록합니다.

견고하고 안정적인 작동

EM-I10J 견고한 태블릿 PC는 엄격한 군사 테스트 표준과 1.22 미터 낙하 테스트를 통과하여 방수 및 방진에서 IP65-level 성능을 달성했습니다. 고온, 습기, 먼지 또는 범프를 견딜 수있을만큼-20 ° C에서 60 ° C의 극한 온도에서 정상적이고 효율적으로 작동 할 수 있으며 화재 비상 현장에서 떨어집니다. 구조 대원이 장치 실패에 대한 걱정없이 임무 실행에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

원활한 통신을위한 다중 네트워크

EM-I10J 견고한 태블릿 PC는 듀얼 밴드 WIFI, 4G LTE, 고속 블루투스 5.0 및 기타 네트워크 통신 모듈과 연결됩니다. 안정적인 네트워크 신호와 다중 채널 자동 스위칭은 데이터 정보를 신속하게 전송하여 일선과 명령 센터 간의 비효율적 인 통신 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다. 구조 지시가 공간 및 신호 중단에 의해 제한되지 않도록하고 구조 작업을보다 원활하게 수행합니다.

신속한 구조를위한 정확한 위치

GPS 및 Glonass와 같은 다중 위성 포지셔닝 내비게이션 시스템을 통해 EM-I10J 견고한 태블릿 PC는 거리와 위치를보다 정확하게 측정 할 수있어 가시성의 한계를 보완합니다. 전체 구조 작업의 효율성과 정확성뿐만 아니라 인력 구조의 성공률을 향상시킵니다.

관련 견고한 PC

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견고한 태블릿이 재고 관리를 최적화하는 방법
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Emdoor Group, Mei Gu Building, Mei Sheng Hui Gu Technology Park, No.83, Dabao Road,Baoan 33 District, Shenzhen, China
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